March 30, 2024

The Health Chronicles

Getting the best for your body

Study suggests there are health benefits to drinking coffee

1 min read
health benefits to drinking coffee

Big news, Java junkies! It turns out that coffee drinking might have some actual health perks.  We have filtered out a few details from a recent study which suggests that drinking coffee can add years to your life.

Back when studies on coffee consumption began, coffee drinkers were also likely to smoke regularly, a habit with demonstrated health detriments. Though many of the initial studies didn’t consider that, newer research has split the two and, because of this, has linked coffee consumption with many health benefits.

The JAMA study followed a half-million individual’s ages 38 to 73, over ten years, monitoring their coffee intake, smoking status and particular health markers which included death. The aim was to obtain a connection between death and how fast a person’s body metabolizes caffeine because that varies from person to person based on specific genetic elements.

We need additional controlled trials before advocating that you boost your coffee drinking to increase your health. Though a daily coffee habit appears to be associated with many benefits, it is worth considering what goes in that coffee.

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